Sunday, February 2, 2014

Week 2

Week 2 was great as well. Work is going good and my schedule is filling up, keeping me busy.
I met the lady that owns the house I am staying in and she seems very sweet. There is a bus parked next to my house that is part of this house but I never go over there. The windows are blacked out and there is a gate by it. It looks like they are feeding a cat because there is cat food that stays on the table. Well after the owner left one night, I saw that there were candles lit by the shed by the bus.....very interesting!

Well every Friday, my boss goes and gets a tri tip sandwich from the market by work. I had told him that I have never heard of tri tip so he took me to the market and bought me one so I could try it. It was delicious and I know I will be going back for more!

Abby got out of the fence one night and it was so dark I couldn't see anything to try and find her. Well I walked down the street and back calling for her and then when I came back, she was sitting on the front porch. Atleast she knows where her home is, but I got so scared! So I told my coworkers the story and that I couldn't find a flashlight in the house to find her so he bought me one! And he also brought me these things to put over my shoes to walk in snow/ice without falling! I am set now! Bring on the snow Mt. Shasta, bring it on!

The main boss at work is retiring and my boss now is taking over his job and that is why they needed me for 13 weeks, while they try to find someone to cover his place. So I was invited to Ron's retirement party Saturday night at the Mt. Shasta Resort. It was a very nice place and the dinner was fantastic! I had ribeye, baked potato, zucchini and squash and a salad with ranch. Felt like I was back home! The ribeye was cooked perfect!! And I had dessert :) I guess you could say I was hungry!

Sunday Abby and I went to walk the Lake Siskiyou trail. The lake is low due to the drought here but it was still so peaceful and the sights were beautiful. Abby had a great time! She would sniff and then sprint past me just so excited to be out and about for our walk!

And here is another picture of Mt. Shasta with snow on it!

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